Chief Fire Foam Skids are custom engineered to meet client specifications and these designs will match the requirements of your fire protection challenges. Our experienced engineering team utilizes 3-D modeling software and established engineering calculations to enable us to customize the best possible skid footprint and piping solution.

The Foam Skid works on the principle of balanced pressure proportioning, which delivers consistent foam liquid concentrate over a wide-range of water flow and pressures. Diaphragm valves are designed to balance the foam concentrate pressure to the water pressure, at the ratio controller inlet, by controlling the foam concentrate discharge pressure of the valve.

Balance is achieved by regulating the volume of foam concentrate discharged to the ratio controller.


The basic compact platform measures approximately 3M wide x 9M long x 4M high. Simple to operate, user-friendly controls and quick to implement. The skid offers tremendous firefighting impact, in a moment’s notice! The multi-purpose package combines water and foam tanks, fire pump, foam system, and pre-connected firefighting hand lines.

The system is designed to be totally self-contained without the need for external power or water supply services.
Additional services for a generator and floodlighting can be added, along with additional firefighting cabinets for gear, nozzles, hose and other tools.

The unit can be supplemented with a fixed foam monitor and intakes for foam and water supplies from fire apparatus or portable sources.

Foam Totes Trailer

The Foam Tote Truck/Trailer provides a large storage capacity for foam concentrate totes along with a high-performance engine-driven pump to transfer the foam at a high flow rate. Foam totes are stored in a steel tubing framework and can be loaded and unloaded easily by forklift.


  • Custom-built trailer steel structure.
  • Carrying capacity 36 metric tons, GVWR.
  • Dust-proof enclosure for pump unit.
  • Foam totes storage capacity: 22,000 liters.


  • Removable steel side-rack enclosures.
  • SS flanged and bolted piping.


The Quick Attack Foam Cart from Chief Fire is the ideal solution for quickly applying foam to fires or spills involving hydrocarbons, polar solvents, flammable chemicals, or Class A materials. The cart is designed for use with both Class A foam or various types of Class B foam including AFFF or flourprotein foam.

A variety of foam monitors featuring built-in eductors and master stream nozzles are available in both smoothbore or variable fog pattern configurations. Inlet connections, plumbing materials, and flow rates are all configured to meet our customer’s specific mission needs.


Foam Tote Trailers from Chief are quick deploying foam utility trailers capable of handling small ground-level fires while also providing foam support to larger equipment.

Standard self-educting automatic nozzle flow rates available up to 2000 GPM (7570 LPM) allow for a capable fire fighting platform. With complete under-deck foam line and water line routing, the fireman will always have sure footing.

Trailers are available in single, dual, triple, quad and custom quantity tote configurations with numerous options available. Easy to deploy and maintain, tote trailers are a mainstay of industrial fire fighting.


Chief Fire provides various concepts of foam cabinet to meet all industrial requirements:

  • Foam generation cabinets
  • Wheeled extinguisher cabinets
  • Multipurpose storage cabinets
  • GRP cabinets


The go-to agent for flammable liquids and hydrocarbons response, Compressed Air Foam has become widely adopted. Proven through field-tested use in multiple applications, the versatility of these systems is evident. They are ideal for offshore oil and gas facilities, rapid response vehicles (RRV), fuel storage locations, mining, marine vessels, racetracks, pressure pumping & hydraulic fracturing equipment, hydrocarbon storage tanks, saltwater disposal (SWT), airports, forestry, and general emergency fire response.